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16 Results

  • American Indian Families

    In collaboration with MPS Indian Education, Native American families: •Explore and discuss your role as your child’s first teacher •Strengthen the caregiver/child relationship while singing, playing and learning •Focus on discussion topics of health and wellness, early learning, behavior guidance, and family relationships
  • Antiracism Parenting Classes - Online

    Through courageous conversations, we will walk away with specific strategies to practice antiracist parenting by Learning how to talk with young children about race Understanding how children form racial identities Exploring the impact of power and privilege in society Information will be geared towards parents of Birth-8 year olds. Noone will be turned away for inability to pay.
  • Clases para Latino

    ¿Hablas español? ¡Ofrecemos clases en Español! Educación Familiar para la Niñez Temprana (Early Childhood Family Education) ofrece clases, programas y servicios para familias con niños pequeños, desde el nacimiento hasta la edad de kindergarten. Nos asociamos con ustedes para ofrecer oportunidades de aprendizaje significativo y divertido para sus hijos. En nuestras clases, los padres y los hijos participan juntos en un tiempo de grupo y actividades, seguido por una conversación con los padres facilitada por un educador de padres licenciado, quien trae información proveniente de investigaciones sobre la crianza de niños. Estas clases en español son ofrecidas en cuatro establecimientos en la ciudad, dos horas una vez por semana, y durante un semestre. Los pagos se basan en los ingresos y no rechazamos a nadie por no poder pagar. (La tarifa variable se encuentra en la página 17.) Contamos con transporte limitado si fuera necesario. Además de las clases enumeradas a continuación, también ofrecemos Early Childhood Screening (Evaluación de la niñez temprana) para niños de tres a cinco años de edad, visitas a los hogares, consultas telefónicas y redes de padres (para educar a grupos de padres en sus hogares). Si desean obtener más información o para registrarse, por favor llamen al 612.668.2113
  • Classes with Dad

    Spend quality time with your child learning and playing together. Parent discussion will examine topics through the lens of fatherhood. Explore the joys and challenges of being a dad.
  • ECFE Summer Programs

    Through courageous conversations, we will walk away with specific strategies to practice antiracist parenting by learning how to talk with young children about race understanding how children form racial identities exploring the impact of power and privilege in society Information will be geared towards parents of Birth-8 year old’s. Sign up for our one time evening event or our series of 4 afternoon classes or both.
  • Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)

    ECFE offers classes, programs and services for families with young children from birth to kindergarten age. Our licensed early childhood educator partners with you to offer meaningful and fun learning opportunities for your child. During classes, parents and children participate together in group time and activities; followed by a parent discussion facilitated by a licensed parent educator, who brings research-based parenting information into the conversation.
  • Families from Afghanistan

    We’d like to welcome families from Afghanistan who have newly arrived to Minnesota! Our class provides families with a space to connect and share with each other their experiences and ideas on parenting. Together with our ECFE teacher, you and your child will have the opportunity to play and learn in an enriching early childhood classroom that centers your unique experiences.
  • Families from India

    Bi-Cultural Parenting for Families from India An opportunity to provide a culturally and linguistically specific ECFE experience to families from India.•Parent educator will facilitate discussion using a bi-cultural lens •Parents will share Indian parenting practices focusing on parenting strategies to raise a child while navigating a new and unfamiliar culture •Parents will discuss challenges of balancing two cultures with the goal of raising a securely bi-cultural child •Parent Educator speaks Hindi, Urdu and Konkani and will help parents use their common language to create a successful multilingual group environment
  • How To Talk To Children about Race

    Talking with children about some things can be harder than others. Talking about race is one of those things. Come and learn about how children learn about race and how you can support your child in talking about this at home and at school. Bethany Gil
  • lettisa dyah sukma wardhani (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Infants (Birth-11 Months)

    All of our infant classes are taught by licensed Parent Educators and explore the joys and challenges of adding a new member to your family. • Music, play & reading activities are a part of every class • Parent discussion includes topics on infant and parent development, sleep, calming, adjustment to parenting and all things important for parenting an infant
  • Mixed Ages (Birth to Kindergarten Enrollment)

    These classes include: • Parent and child interaction time as an opportunity to spend uninterrupted quality time with your child • Activities created by an Early Childhood teacher based on a theme and focused on all areas of your child’s development • Parent discussion in a separate space
  • Ones, Twos & Threes

    Here's your chance to spend some uninterrupted time together participating in toddler-friendly activities that support growth and development.
  • Preschoolers (36 Months to Kindergarten Enrollment)

    • Early childhood time focuses on developing school readiness skills through play and learning activities • Parent education focuses on topics relevant to a preschooler & preparing children for kindergarten • Both one and two day classes are attended by both parents and children • Children must be 3 by September 1, 2018
  • Somali/Kubaxa/Kutaa barnoota Oromo/Ahmaric

    Miyaad ku hadashaa luuqadaha afafka Soomaaliga, Oromoda ama Amhariga? Waxaanu bixineynaa Fasalo ku baxa luqadahaas! Barnaamijka waxbarashada Qoysaska iyo Caruurta, iyo adeegyada loogu talo galay qoysaska haysta Caruurta yar yar oo da’dooda tahay markey dhashaan ilaa ay ka soo garayaan Dugsiga xanaanada ilmaha. Waan kugu caawinaynaa si aan kuugu helno waxbarasho tayo leh oo xiiso u leh ilmahaaga.Fasaladeena Waalidka iyo ilmahiisa waxay uga qeybgalayaan si wada jir ah xiliga howlaha kooxeynta, waxaa intaas raacaya wada xaajood waalidka baraha, iyo waalidka u hogaansan howlaha tacliinta, lana wadaagaya cilmi barista ku saleysan tabaradad waalidiinta. Fasalda ku baxa luqadaha Somaliga/Oromoda/Amharicga waxay ka baxayaan labo goobood oo qura oo ka mid ah degmada Minneapolos. Saacadaha waxay noqon doonaan labo saac oo qura isbuuciiba oo sanadka barkiisa ah. Gunada labixiyo fasalada waxay ku saleysan yihiin hadba sida uu dhaqliga kuu soo galo, oo aad u bixinkarto. (Lacagaha kala Sareeya ka eeg baga). Gaadiidka waxaad u helaysaa hadba sida ay baahida tahay. Waxaa intaa dheer inay bixiyaan fasalada hoos ku xusan waxaa kaloo bixinaa barnaamijka Waxbarashada Caruurta Qiimeeya ilmaha Da’dooda tahay Sadex jir-ilaa Shan-jirka, Booqashada guriga ah, la, gula talinayo taleefonka, iyo waalidiin u mideysan (si wax loogu baro waalidiinta guryahooda). Kala soo xiriir waxii diiwaangalinta ku saabsan: Somaliga: 612.668.2128 • Amharige: 612.668.2158 Oromada: 612.290.8413