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23 Results

  • Waitlist
    A Disappearing Act (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Art, Mosaic & Murals (Sanford)

    Be a part of making Sanford History. This group will work together with Artist-In-Residence Dani Bianchini, a Latina Minneapolis Based Community Artist, to bring student voice and student culture to the walls of Sanford! Student will learn the process of mosaic tile murals and work on designing a painting the mural to be displayed on the walls of the indoor recess room. This class is Spanish/English dual language. We are so excited to partner and work to renovate this indoor recess space for all students and staff of Sanford to use and enjoy! This class will end with a community celebration and mural unveiling. Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 - Higher price level 1- supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 3 - Higher price level 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • BIPOC Boys Group (Sanford)

    This club is run by Mr. Josh and is for BIPOC boys who want to hang out, play games, have some open gym time, make snacks and have a safe fun space to chill. Students will spend time playing basketball and gaga ball outside as the weather warms up. Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 - Higher price level 1- supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 3 - Higher price level 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • Waitlist
    Stuart Seeger (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Basketball and Open Gym (Sanford)

    Mr. Josh is leading Open Gym this spring. Come and work on your basketball skills, play gym games and have fun with your friends! This is open to all genders. Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 - Higher price level 1- supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 3 - Higher price level 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • UbeFoto (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Bike Shop (Sanford)

    Attention Bikers! Learn how to maintain and repair your bike. Students will learn basic bike maintenance and repairs with MPS GEMS/GISE Bike program.Bikes will be provided to learn and work on do it is not required to have a bike or bring yours to class. As students progress they can learn to build custom bikes but continuing in the program. Mr. Crabtree will be leading this group. This class is an ALC class and paid for by MPS Extended Learning
  • David Mulder (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Book Club (Sanford)

    Ms. Olsen is leading book club. Students will vote on the book, read together and have in depth discussions on the subject matter. This is a laid back group that enjoys reading, chatting and having fun. This is an MPS Extended Learning ALC Class and paid for by district funding.
  • Waitlist
    Little chef (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Cooking Club (Sanford)

    By popular demand we are excited to offer Cooking Club! In this club students will learn how to follow simple recipes using fresh ingredients, toaster ovens, air fryers, induction burners and electric skillets. This is sure to be a really fun class This is an ALC class and is funded by extended learning. We do accept donations for groceries.
  • Waitlist
    Vicky Brock (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Design Den (Sanford)

    Welcome to Design Den. Students will work freelance on designing patterns and projects. They will have open sewing studio time to work on the creations of their dreams. This class is led by Ms. Michelle who is a community artist, teacher and former fashion designer. This class is also open to embroiderers who want to have space to work on embroidery projects, knitters, crocheters and other makers. Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 - Higher price level 1- supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 3 - Higher price level 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • Drama and Spring Skit (Sanford)

    Ms. Rhonda continues to run Drama! Students learn simple acting techniques and vocabulary through studying monologues and scenes. They will then begin basic script analysis and character development and apply these principals towards in-class performances. Students will perform a small spring play! Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 - Higher price level 1- supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 3 - Higher price level 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • Dunk ? (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Dungeons & Dragons (Sanford)

    D&D is led this spring by Mr Beck! Come and play with friends and classmates. You'll work to organize a group, make a plan and play tournaments. This is a popular club with many players so all are welcome. All skill levels are also welcome! This is an MPS Extended Learning ALC Class and paid for by district funding.
  • Waitlist
    Ian Robertson (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Futsal (Sanford)

    Mr. J is bringing Futsal back! Join us on Wednesdays for Futsal which is like soccer but played inside the gym. Students will play games and work on foot skills. Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 - Higher price level 1- supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 3 - Higher price level 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • Waitlist
    Roel Ubels (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Girls Volleyball (Sanford)

    Coach Shayda will lead students in Volleyball for a second session! This group is open to any ability and newcomers. Learn a new sport or keep your skills fresh by joining on Tuesdays. Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 - Higher price level 1- supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 3 - Higher price level 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • Girls, Inc YWCA (Sanford)

    Girls Inc. is for youth who identify as "girl" or "gender-expansion" who are interested in a "pro-girl" environment. Girls, Inc has girls creating change in their community and learning from women leaders. Students learn how to save, share and spend money, explore what it means to have a safe body and mind, do fun science experiments like making slime and bath bombs, free snacks and earn a t-shirt. Girls, Inc ends with a party that is planned by you! This is a grant funded club that is $0 for participants.
  • History Day (Sanford)

    Ms. Monroe leads our History Day Club and works with students to dive deeper into History Day projects for 7th grade competition. This is an MPS Extended Learning ALC Class and paid for by district funding.
  • Waitlist
    My herb garden (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Indoor Gardening and Cooking, Urban 4H (Sanford)

    This club is a partnership with The University of MN Urban 4H. Students will be led by Master Gardener, Brownson (a student favorite!). Students will eat microgreens that they grow in our classroom greenhouse. They will learn how to garden year round indoors with hydroponics gardens and grow lights by doing it hands on this winter at Sanford. The crops they grow they will harvest and make snacks, stir fries, ramen dishes, pizzas and tacos with. This group learns about climate change and how that impacts our food systems, food justice, and all the skills they need to start growing their own food at home and in the community. This class is made possibly by a partnership between Community Ed and University of MN Extension. Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 & 3 - Higher price levels 1 & 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • Jazz Band (Sanford)

    Join Mr. Erickson for Jazz Band! Students who play in band are welcome to join this fun and exciting musical group. This is an MPS Extended Learning ALC Class and paid for by district funding.
  • Lego Masters (Sanford)

    Ms. Mac will once again lead Lego Master's! Join to design and compete in fun Lego challenges. This is an MPS Extended Learning ALC Class and paid for by district funding.
  • Waitlist
    Heather (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Makers Market (Sanford)

    Students will create gifts and small items to sell. Pocket pals, weighted animals, zipper pouches, make up bags, scrunches and more! This class is also open to embroiderers who want to have space to work on embroidery projects, knitters, crocheters and other makers. Class is led by Ms. Michelle, local fashion designer and sewing instructor. Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 & 3 - Higher price levels 1 & 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • Mask Makers, Mini MayDay! (Sanford)

    Ms. Rhonda Lund will share her mask making professional experience with students to create beautiful works of art! Students will learn the art of paper mache mask making and create a one of a kind piece that will last for years to come. Students will showcase their art in our spring mural unveiling event by performing a mini MayDay parade! *This class begins on April 22nd* and runs 2 times per week to make up for missed time! Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 - Higher price level 1- supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 3 - Higher price level 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • PRIDE S.A.G.E. (Sanford)

    Ms. Julia will lead PRIDE/S.A.G.E again this year. S.A.G.E. stands for social and gender equity. The foundation of S.A.G.E focuses on civics education, community service, and social activism. The curriculum is inclusive and reflects everyone. This affinity group is for students who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ Community and their allies. This is a non judgmental safe space to share, connect and have fun doing walking field trips, arts and crafts and more! This is an MPS Extended Learning ALC Class that partners with MPS Out 4 Good.
  • Waithamai (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Sketching and Drawing (Sanford)

    This club is run by Mr. J (Sanford SEA) and is for students who want time and space to work on sketching nature and landscapes outdoors (weather permitting) or working on their drawing skills. All students will receive an artist sketchbook and have access to drawing pens, drawing pencils, oil pastels, chalk pastels and charcoal. Note: Community Education uses a sliding scale model for program fees so our afterschool programs can be financially sustainable and more equitable. Families are asked to pick the price that they are able to pay. By more clearly articulating our lower cost options, we have removed the barrier that some may have felt in making scholarship requests. When families participate at the higher price levels, they help make the program more sustainable. Pricing Scale: Option 1 - Class Fee - covers staffing and supply costs Option 2 - Higher price level 1- supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 3 - Higher price level 2 - supports sustainable programming & scholarships Option 4 - Partial Scholarship price Option 5 - Full Scholarship price
  • Unified Arts & Crafts (Sanford)

    Sanford is proud a Unified School! Join us on Thursday's with Ms. Louise and Ms. Lisa for arts and crafts. Students will work with paint, clay, polymer clay, melting beads, slime, jewelry making and paper mache. This club is open to all students of all abilities. This is an MPS Extended Learning ALC Class and paid for by district funding and a partnership with Special Olympics of Minnesota.
  • Unified Gym Games and Sports (Sanford)

    Sanford is proud a Unified School! Unified gives students of all abilities the opportunity to get to know each other, have fun and build community. Join us on Thursday's with Coach Wessman and Ms. Lydia for fun in the gym with games and sports. This club is open to all students of all abilities and all genders. This is an MPS Extended Learning ALC Class and paid for by district funding and a partnership with Special Olympics of Minnesota.
  • Young Writers Club (Sanford)

    Ms. Olsen will be leading Young Writers Club as part of the National Novel Writing Month. This is a fun, empowering approach to creative writing. The challenge: draft an entire novel in just one month. For 30 wild, exciting, surprising days, you get to lock away your inner editor, let your imagination take over, and just create! Our Young Writers Program supports under-18 writers and K-12 educators as they participate in our flagship event each November, and take part in smaller writing challenges year-round. This is an MPS Extended Learning ALC Class and paid for by district funding.