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Latino Creating a Circle of Security (0-5yr) Separating

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) / Clases para Latino -
2024-2025 ECFE Semester 2

This is separating class (child and parent spend time together and practice spending time apart).

The age range listed for this class is based on the child's age on the date the class session begins.

Los niños pequeños crecen cuando los adultos crean círculos de seguridad alrededor de ellos. En esta clase nos enfocaremos en aprender cómo identificar las necesidades emocionales de los niños pequeños y ayudarlos a navegar sus emociones de una manera adecuada.

ECFE classes are priced on a sliding fee schedule based on family income. Please choose the fee that best fits your family budget.   

A 10% surcharge will be applied to fees for Non-Minneapolis residents.

CSL EW 930 25W
Las Estrellas Dual Language Elementary School : ECFE EC & PE Room G105
Wednesdays, Jan 29 - Jun 4
9:30 - 11:30 AM

  No Class Apr 2


Already started