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East Phillips Neighborhood Institute Community Celebration (Southwest)

Adult Enrichment / Trips, Tours & Special Events -
Adult Enrichment Fall 2024

The East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI) will be celebrating the transference of ownership of the historic, and highly contested, Roof Depot building into the community's hands. This is the first step in the redevelopment of the vacant warehouse into an urban aquaculture farm, solar energy producer, small business hub, and community center. This event will be a block party-style event with food, music, and dancing. The event will begin with a ceremony, and a presentation by EPNI and allies who have supported the vision for sustainable development at the Roof Depot site for 10 years.   Press Release

Event :  11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Opening Ceremony and Presentation:  11:00 am

Presenters: Daniel Colten Schmidt, Joseph Vital, Dean Dovolis, Cassandra Holmes, and Karen Clark.

This free event will be held in the Roof Depot parking lot:  2717 Longfellow Ave S. Minneapolis, MN.


Karen Clark

Karen Clark*:Karen Clark, a resident of East Phillips for more than 40 years, is a former State Representative and the current Activist Executive Director of the Women's Environmental Institute. Karen represented East Phillips in the state legislature for 38 years. In 2008, she passed first-of-its-kind legislation that requires new operations in EP to account for the “cumulative effects” of long-term pollution on residents. Many people in East Phillips have asthma, heart disease, and diabetes, which are all linked to exposure to air pollution. Clark’s law factors the neighborhood’s environmental history in setting a higher bar for any new polluters in East Phillips to get permits.

Before serving in the legislature, Karen was an OB-GYN nurse practitioner and did public health nursing with Minnesota Migrant Health Project. She helped found the West Side People's Health Center, now LaClinica. Karen then worked at Hennepin County's Red Door Clinic as a nurse practitioner before she ran for the legislature. There she saw so clearly the connections between the social determinants of health (i.e., poverty and race, income, housing conditions, job discrimination, etc.) to the public health of a community. She is passionate about justice - environmental, racial, food, housing, economic and more.

Daniel Colten Schmidt

Daniel is an artist, an activist, and a scholar. After studying theater at the William Alderson Studio in Los Angeles and performance art at La Universidad de Antioquia in Medellín, he attended Hampshire College where he studied ecological economics and creative writing. Before EPNI, he worked as a teacher at various elementary schools, an outdoor educator at Wilderness Inquiry, and a research assistant for marine biologist Dr. Diane Cowan. Daniel’s goal is to serve society through the development of ecologically-minded enterprises that increase economic security while improving public health. He is a proud East Phillips resident.

Dean Dovolis

Born in Phillips, Dean has over 30 years of architectural experiences, and is the President and founder of DJR Architecture. One of his earliest large-scale projects was in the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis, where he collaborated with the community to develop housing and urban design strategies aimed at promoting development in a traditionally Native American area. While DJR now includes other services as well (e.g., historic preservation, commercial, hospitality, municipal, etc.), it continues to serve underserved communities through affordable housing and urban design strategies. DJR is recognized internationally, including a collaboration with the United Nations World Bank to build projects in Djibouti, Africa. In East Phillips, Dean has been instrumental in the design and realization of the Phillips Community Aquatic Center, East Phillips Community Center, the Bii Di Gain Dash Anwebi Elder housing, and many others.

At EPNI, Dean is the architect for the future East Phillips Urban Farm and Community Center, designing the project under the direction of the East Phillips community itself. He is now also coordinating with public officials, community groups, residents, and investors to develop the site.

Dean received his Bachelor of Architecture and Environmental Design from the University of Minnesota and his Master of Architecture and Urban Design from Harvard University. He is part of the American Institute of Architecture, LEED Accredited Professional, and NCARB.

Cassandra Holmes

Cassandra (Niiwin Muck-Wa Ikwe – Four Bears Woman) was born and raised in East Phillips at Little Earth and is part of the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Ojibwe. Motivated by the love for her community, Cassandra is a passionate and accomplished activist fighting for Indigenous rights and environmental justice.

She also oversees Little Earth’s Urban Farm Youth Program, where local youths are given hands-on education in growing and harvesting vegetables and Native plant medicines. Always on the go, Cassandra also coordinates Safe Communities of United Tribes (SCOUT) in an effort to strengthen Indigenous community relations with police, reduce neighborhood crime, and empower our next generation of leaders. She currently serves on the Southside Green Zone Council and previously served on the board of EPIC. In 2020, she and EPNI sued the City of Minneapolis for failing to follow various laws, including the law passed by Clark (above) in 2008.

Joseph Vital

Joe (Zhaawan Wiijiw – South Mountain) is a member of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians as well as a proud Mexican-American. He’s a long-standing and trusted member of the East Phillips and environmental justice communities. Since 2020, he’s been fighting for community control of the Roof Depot site, bringing years of experience as a community organizer and coalition-builder. He also served as the chair of the DFL Native People’s Caucus. His favorite moments in this struggle have been the community block party celebrations.

 September 2024 

  Daniel Colten Schmidt , Joseph Vital , Dean Dovolis , Cassandra Holmes , Karen Clark

Roof Depot Parking Lot
Saturday, Sep 21
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Price: $ 0 00