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Latino Be a Conscious Dad - Se un papá consciente (Edades 0-5) (0-5y) Separating

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) / Clases para Latino -
2024-2025 ECFE Semester 1

Esta es una clase de separación (el niño y el padre pasan tiempo juntos y separados).  This is a separating class (child and parent spend time together and  time apart).

Los papás desempeñan un papel muy importante en el desarrollo de sus niños durante los primeros años de vida. Esta clase brinda un espacio seguro para que los papás que hablan Español reflexionen y adquieran una conciencia más profunda de su papel en la paternidad, sus hogares y la vida diaria. Esta clase brinda grandes beneficios para los papás que buscan expresar sus dudas y explorar soluciones conscientes de crianza.

Class Description: This class is an excellent opportunity for those fathers who speak Spanish and want to ensure their children are raised in a healthy environment. This class provides a safe space for dads to reflect and gain a deeper awareness of their role in fatherhood, in their homes, and daily life. Fathers can play a vital role in their child's development during the crucial 0-5 years. This class is particularly beneficial for such fathers who are seeking to express their doubts and explore conscious solutions. 

A limited number of Infants 0-4 months are welcome to stay with parents during discussion time. Please enroll your young infant only in the Sibling Care option. NOTE: These young infants will remain with the parents during discussion time.

ECFE classes are priced on a sliding fee schedule based on family income. Please choose the fee that best fits your family budget.   

A 10% surcharge will be applied to fees for Non-Minneapolis residents.

CDL WS 10 24F

  Sibling Care Offered

Heritage Academy STEM Academy (Wilder) : ECFE EC Room A124
Saturdays, Sep 7 - Dec 7
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  No Class Oct 19, Nov 2 & Nov 30
