After school programs for youth at Minneapolis Public Schools locations
Promoting families healthy growth and development through education, support and community building.
Minneapolis Kids provides year-round, fee-based school-age childcare for families with youth enrolled in High Five/Minneapolis Kids Jr through 5th grade during the school year (entering grades K-7 during the summer).
Classes for Summer Youth Programs will be visible and open for registration February 23 at 5pm.
Adult Enrichment Academics
Adult Enrichment Health, Wellness & Safety
Adult Enrichment Writing
Adult Enrichment Yoga & Mind-Body Practices
Adult Aquatics
See the best of our Minneapolis outdoor athletic facilities as we offer summer sports camps for youth. Young athletes will get a taste of a high school field experience. Don’t miss it as it comes through your neighborhood.
Spend quality time with your child learning and playing together. Parent discussion will examine topics through the lens of fatherhood. Explore the joys and challenges of being a dad.
ECFE Summer 2020 Offerings
An opportunity to provide a culturally and linguistically specific ECFE experience to families from Afghanistan.
An opportunity to provide a culturally and linguistically specific ECFE experience to families from India.
Here's your chance to spend some uninterrupted time together participating in toddler-friendly activities that support growth and development.
Give the gift of learning. Gift vouchers can be purchased in a variety of denominations and can be used for most Community Education Youth & Adult Enrichment classes. Some restrictions apply.
Tani waa fasal kala tag ah (canugga iyo waalidkiis waqti ayey isla qaataan oo weynaadaan). This is a separating class (child and parent spend time together and apart).
Carruurta iyo waalidiinta waqti ayey isu helayaan iyaga oo isla qaadaya heesaha, waxbarashada iyo wada ciyaarta. Waalidiintu waxay wax ka baranayaan horumarka iyo koboca ilmaha, u diyaarinta dugsiga, dabeecada xanaaqu, iyo wada xiriirka walaaltinimada.
Fasallada ECFE waxaa lagu qiimeeyaa jadwalka khidmadda sicirka ee ku saleysan dakhliga qoyska. Fadlan dooro khidmadda sida ugu habboon ugu habboon miisaaniyadda qoyskaaga.
10% dheeraad ah ayaa lagu dabaqi doonaa khidmadaha dadka aan deganayn Minneapolis.
Kala soo xiriir waxii diiwaangalinta ku saabsan: 612.517.5994 [Soomaali]
Children and parents spend time together singing, learning and playing games. Parents learn about a child's development and growth, school readiness, temper tantrums, and sibling relationships..
ECFE classes are priced on a sliding fee schedule based on family income. Please choose the fee that best fits your family budget.
A 10% surcharge will be applied to fees for Non-Minneapolis residents.
For more information on this class please call 612.517.5994
No Class Feb 14, Feb 28, Mar 28 & Apr 4
Full - waiting list
No Class Feb 17, Mar 31 & May 26
No Class Apr 2
No Class Apr 3