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  • GEMS/GISE ALC (LHL) (1-2 Gr.)

    CURRENT Students do not need to re-enroll! NEW Students Can Start on 2/10! GEMS and GISE are after-school STEM programs designed for MPS students. This class will meet twice a week, each session lasting about 2 hours. Students will focus on explorations of science and mathematics through project-based and problem-based learning experiences promoting the integration of engineering and technology concepts, content, and process. Explore Science and Engineering! In these engaging and investigative classes students are immersed in the fundamentals of aerospace engineering and rocketry through an interactive problem-based approach. Working in pairs, students solve a series of complex problems designing, constructing and testing a variety of aircraft. GEMS-GISE-STEM students conduct hands-on investigations exploring aerospace engineering and related career fields. Students explore this specialized field that includes the design of spacecraft and aircraft. Discovering that air (navigating within the earth's atmosphere) and spacecraft (operating primarily in outer space, beyond the earth's atmosphere) are technologies that extend human potential to transport people and goods. Students work and learn through exciting, project-based aerospace engineering activities designing, constructing, testing, and troubleshooting as they work toward their final flight.