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Focaccia (Northeast)

Adult Enrichment / Cooking -
Adult Enrichment Winter 2025

If you have never made a focaccia, you do not know what you are missing. Loaded with savory flavor and a chewy, light-as-a-feather crumb, focaccia supports toppings from the simplest (rosemary, coarse salt, grated parmesan) to the hearty (Italian sausage and caramelized onions; ham and Gruyere). 

Jan Zita Grover

JAN ZITA GROVER has cooked, catered, run a professional kitchen, and taught classes for more than 30 years. An historian by training, she is particularly interested in the cuisine of other countries and the foods eaten by early settlers. Growing up in San Francisco, Jan was exposed to the food traditions of many Asian and European cultures. She loves teaching the basic techniques so people can improvise joyfully and skillfully on their own. In 2008, during the Great Recession, she created the “3 Days, 3 Ways” program of thrifty recipes for St. Paul's Mississippi Market.

AE-64051-W25-NE Closed

  Jan Zita Grover

Northeast Middle School : 104B
Tuesday, Mar 18
6:00 - 9:00 PM


Min Age   18 yr.

$ 52.00
$35 + $17 material fee

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